Wednesday 11 January 2012

day eleven.

thoughts today about my brain and how i can seem to mess it up lightning bolts and shocks of sound prevent me from resting i cause them (i think) yet can only end them when i stop thinking about them... which is never as the sound shock of mind lightning is something that takes time to get over it feels like i would imagine a computer feels when it is being over worked though i am not being overworked, trying to be in a state of perpetual sleep though maybe i AM being overworked because i am thinking too much about things yes things of all sorts while simultaneously trying to shut myself down and it could be that the trying to shut myself down while working in almost a thought over drive having clicked ten links and commands for a computer and then punching the shut down button when none of the thoughts or computer processes are completed completely in the time you wished them to be done that we myself and the computer receive the shocks of annoyance from the physical beings that we are telling our more mental states not that i believe computers have a mental state this was just a metaphor but telling our mental states to shut up and stop interfering overload overload please help and now i am about to shut up for real this time.

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