Friday 6 January 2012

new years - another version of day 6 -

i unstuck my eyes,
yesterday's mascara crumbling down my cheeks,
and surveyed my surroundings.
my head was light in terms of thoughts,
but felt heavy to lift up.
after the fog disappeared i realized i was in a friends bed,
(but knew not how i got there).
the night before was a lost memory.

i looked over at my friend, now awake as well,
and we both tried to croak something at each other.

we soon obtained in nice big mugs
- the solid type that would only chip if you dropped them -
exactly what we had been dreaming about,
and lubed up our throats.

this done, we could retreat back to bed
and laugh,
manically, about what did and didn't actually
happen the night before.

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